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Linuxwochen.at update

        Hi there again!

 It's time for an update about the linuxwochen in austria. Booth is
granted, my package introduction talk also, and the install-party will
be done with Debian (at least, maybe others too). Uhm, for vienna (of
course). I don't know about any efforts to do something in Linz or
Eisenstadt. Graz might pop up too, but I truly hope that it won't pop up
on the same weekend as Vienna so gordon can stay with us. Gordon, if you
are interested I can keep you updated wrt/ Graz.

 There is still much work to do for that. For the booth the following
people have raised their hands to let me know about their help:

    who             |  when
 X Gordon Fraser    | ?
   Martin F. Krafft | ?
 X Christoph Siess  | ?
 X and me           | Fri-Sun

 People with X infront of their name are sure like in "if their are not
hit by an airoplane". Bcc:ed the /team/ to make sure they don't miss it.

 Martin, where do you come from? I can ask on the orga-mailinglist if
someone is coming from near you and catch you up, if you like.

 Gordon offered to bring a rs6000 with him, has someone experience with
such a system? There is no Debian on it (yet), maybe it would be a
chance for Debian GNU/NetBSD, have to talk with the *BSD team if they
think it is possible to get it running. Any other ideas about that
system would be a great help. Both Gordon and me are out of knowledge
when it comes to that system. I don't even know if its supported for
linux and what architecture that would be.  Still a hardware DAU.

 Again Gordon offered to do some t-shirts. Gordon, did you see blinders
picture, the one with the swirl wearing the cowboy hat? I guess that
would be a perfect motive. Don't know though if your offer still is up
and running. And could you kindly get more clear about what you meant
with that you could offer material? What kind?

 Another task that should be accomplished: I need someone that visits
the LinuxTag and can fetch some material from Joey for me, like flyers,
posters, some of the t-shirts and some of the CDs (at least one for me

 Personally I would like to do the install party with a PGI disk -
unfortunately I don't have the diskspace to do any other like a
--installer-only image. If someone could help me there it would be
great. We will have net access but it would be better if the most needed
apps could be on the CD anyway. Would also speed things up.

 Time for someone else jumping in and raising their voice. I hope this
mail won't get lost between the other metaphilosophical discussions
currently going on the list.

 Have fun,
Real men don't take backups.
They put their source on a public FTP-server and let the world mirror it.
                                  -- Linus Torvalds

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