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Re: Boothservice LinuxTag 2001+ Software recommendation

>>>>> "Martin" == Martin Schulze <joey@finlandia.infodrom.north.de> writes:

And I'll add my 2 eurocent (or is it euro-cent?):

    Martin> I have prepared another booth to collect random
    Martin> developers.  Sound cool?  Will be cooler.  It's a special
    Martin> hacking center with tables, chairs, power and
    Martin> net.connectivity.  It's designed especially for those with
    Martin> a laptop who don't have booth service and would like to
    Martin> code.  It's open, so expect visitors around you.

That's... well, cool.  No, cooler.  Naahhh... anyone remember that bit
from linux-kernel (read it on LWN) about how it's possible to reach
negative Kelvin "temperatures"?  That's how cool this is.

As the KDE guy says: all users can be turned into developers (and I
recall after LinuxTag 99 someone wrote that after Matthias' lecture
(about why people write Free Software) someone saying this made her
want to try it too.  Never forgot that.).

    >> > > We provide a hacking area (or, if not in the Expo hall, the
    >> > > RedHat labs in Stuttgart, 10 minutes away) for you to

    >> Hm, do we also get such hacking area? ;)

    Martin> See above. :-)

    Martin> You could ask RedHat if they want to provide a Hacking
    Martin> Area for Debian as well, might be fun.

Weeeeell... they might even be cool with that >:-) (Naw, I'm too timid
to ask...)

Bye, J

 Jürgen A. Erhard  (juergen.erhard@gmx.net, jae@users.sourceforge.net)
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