[LSM/ORG] Debian conference 2 / LSM 2002
The organisation os Libre Software Meeting 2002 is starting. As past years,
it is possible to organise a Debian Conference but someone need to lead the
Debian Conference 2 organisation, it was Thierry Laronde for Debian 0 and 1 but
he can't organise a new one. If your are interested please reply to
org@lsm.abul.org .
LSM: http://lsm.abul.org
Debian Conf 1 : http://lsm2002.abul.org/program/topic20/debian_one.en.html
-=[ Homere@krow.org ]=-
\ Homere alias Frédéric VANNIÈRE |
\ http://www.enseirb.fr/~vanniere |
\ http://www.krow.org |
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