Re: Planungen Systems
On Fri, Oct 05, 2001 at 09:41:26AM +0200, Jens Schmalzing wrote:
> Hi,
> Simon Richter writes:
> > > the SE/30 Michael Banck offered.
> >
> > there is still my A1200
> I feel that either machine would mainly make the point that Debian is
> so cool that it runs on virtually anything.
Sorry, but I don't think I can make it with my SE/30 until Systems. I
managed to boot the Debian Installer, but I hesitate to partition the
disk, as I need to boot into MacOS first in order to boot Linux AFAIK.
I didn't managed to reinstall MacOS on it yet, and right now I don't
have any time at all for it.
But I'll keep on working on it for the next event...
Oliver's PS2 would be way cool, if he could spare her :)
> P.S.: I'm sending a carbon copy to Michael, if you are actually
> reading debian-events-eu, my apologies for cluttering up your mailbox.
Thanks a lot, I wasn't. I'll try to catch up the thread later.
"eigentlich alles ganz nette leute, auch wenn sie von deutschland
meistens nur das amsterdamer rotlicht viertel kennen..."
-- Tim Schnetgoeke ueber Amerikaner
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