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Re: Comments on CD images v4 (was Re: new CD images (II))

#include <hallo.h>
Michael Bramer wrote on Wed Jun 20, 2001 um 03:06:50PM:

> > Blackdown-Java installiert ist, weil der CLASSPATH erweitert werden
> > muss. Ich habe es schon gemeldet, die nächste Version ist hoffentlich
> > korrekt. Wenn du es dringend brauchst, kann ich die Version mit
> > Korrektur neuverpacken.
> ok, habe ich jetzt. Wenn du was eigenes Bauen möchtest, mach es und
> sende mir eine URL...

I tested the woody from Kitame and 0.0.20010619.06.trunk packages did
work quite qood in our woody environment(*). The one thing I don't like is
the lacking Java support. This could be provided by additional j2re1.3
package from Blackdown.org (contras: non-free, non-official (not yet) and
13.5MB size). Does anybody wish to have it on the CD? If we decide to
include j2re1.3, there must be a dummy (I created one with equivs) that
provides "gsfonts-x11" since gsfonts-x11 has been removed from woody
some weeks ago.

BTW: If you get zip-crypt from unstable, care about the content! The
new zip package in unstable has the crypt support (and has been moved to
non-US), and the new "zip-crypt" is a dummy package and does only depend
on the new version of "zip".

(*) The one bug can be only reproduced if you call sites in a special
order, IMHO not important enough to rebuild the whole package.

> Zum Unlesbarmachen kann man auch cdrecord blank=full auf eine CD-R
> anwenden ;-)
aber doch wohl nur in /dev/mikrowelle oder? :-)
                  Andreas 'Knv' Kanev in de.comp.hardware.cd-brenner

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