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Re: LinuxTag: Current status of CD images

On Thu, May 10, 2001 at 06:21:53PM -0500, Roland Bauerschmidt wrote:
> > - some people working on the boot floppies. 
> Indeed... Last year, Peter and I (especially Peter) had to hack the
> boot-floppies in the last minute to make them even install... Grisu
> suggested that we'd first start with potato boot floppies, and if we
> have enough time, try to get the woody boot floppies to work for us
> which would be the prefered solution, of course. Language chooser or
> debootstrap from woody boot floppies would especially be nice...
> Speaking of language, last year we had German boot floppies which I
> think was really neat... I think we should try to do that this year,
> too. Grisu? Peter?

I have see same cvs log entries with german updates. I hope the german
*.txt and *.po files are most finish. But I someone have time, he can
start and make a check of the translations.

Now we have a first running woody BFs with same bugs (see the
debian-boot mailing list). I make a cvs update on my source of the
boot floppies and play a little with the source. I make also a first
build of the new BF's.

Now I am going to the Margdeburger Linux Tag and after this (maybe
Wednesday) I start with the new BF.

Michael Bramer  -  a Debian Linux Developer http://www.debian.org
PGP: finger grisu@db.debian.org  -- Linux Sysadmin   -- Use Debian Linux
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