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Re: Linux Expo Amsterdam

Attached please find the basic file needed for the events
pages.  Please correct it where needed (and translate it
into NL).



Computers are not intelligent.  They only think they are.
<define-tag abbr>Linux Expo</define-tag>
<define-tag year>2001</define-tag>
<define-tag pagetitle>Linux Expo Amsterdam</define-tag>
<define-tag where>Amsterdam</define-tag>
<define-tag date>January 23th - January 24th</define-tag>
<define-tag infolink>http://www.linuxexpoamsterdam.com/</define-tag>
<define-tag coord><a href=mailto:costar@panic.et.tudelft.nl>Jan Anne Bezemer</a></define-tag>

<define-tag intro>

    Linux Expo arrives in the Netherlands after successes in Paris,
    Montreal and Madrid.  The Expo consists of talks and exhibition.

<define-tag involve>
     Debian will be present with a booth.

#use wml::debian::event
#Related Links here (free form)
 <li><a href=http://panic.et.tudelft.nl/~costar/linuxexpoamsterdam2001/>Coordination</a>

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