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Re: Back-Cover

On Fri, May 17, 2002 at 02:23:03AM +0200, Joerg Jaspert wrote:
> Christian Weerts <cw@familie-weerts.de> writes:


> > I've just uploaded the proposals for an Back-Cover.
> > The Sponsors honored although on this side.
> Swirl red is fine.
I personaly would prefer the one with the white swirl but the
red one just looks more like Debian.
So a second vote for the red one :)

> > BTW. I got no reactions on the CD-Label. So, you mean it's
> > okay?
> Im missing the Text "Woody" on it. :)
> Hmm, could be hard to add :)
It's missing on the CD from last year, too.
Maybe it's a good idea too add it cause the label for the
CD looks quite like the one from last year and maybe people
get confused. 


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