Re: enterprise CDD?
Geoff Crompton <> writes:
> Russ said that at Stanford they are effectively running their own custom
> Debian distribution. I wonder if we started an Enterprise CDD if we
> would find that the diffs that we all have in our organizations might
> become smaller.
> Are there other advantages it would bring? Disadvantages?
I'm not sure, since often when we build our own version of a package, it's
with some hack for a specific situation such that we stick it in a custom
distribution rather than even making it available to all of our systems
internally. (Like lenny-kdc, which has our Heimdal build, or lenny-ldap,
which has our Cyrus SASL and OpenLDAP packages.)
To give people a very rough feel for the sort of thing that we do, here's
the list of packages in our local repositories for stable, not counting
the one-service distributions. This includes various old crap that I'm
going to get rid of as we move to reprepro; if you see stuff with older
version numbers than stable, that's stuff to just ignore (left over from
when lenny was sid).
apache-activemq 5.2.0-2
bundle 2.31-1
cyrus-imapd 2.3.14-3
eaccelerator 0.9.5-5
extractor 1.26
facter 1.5.6-2su1
filter-syslog 1.23-1
heaplayers 3.5.1-1
kadmin-remctl 2.3-1
krb5 1.4.4-8su5
krb5-strength 0.5-1
krb5-sync 1.2-1
lbcd 3.3.0-1
lbnamed 2.3.2-2
libafs-perl 2.6.1-1
libapache-mod-auth-kerb 5.3-1.3su1
libnet-ldap-perl 0.39-1su1
libnet-ldapapi-perl 3.0.3-4
libnet-stomp-perl 0.34-1~sbp50+1
libnetaddr-ip-perl 4.024+dfsg-1~sbp50+1
libpod-thread-perl 0.11-2
libstanford-directory-perl 3.0.15-1
libstanford-dnsserver-perl 1.2.0-2
libstanford-webauth2-perl 1.2-1
libstanford-whois-perl 1.3.7-1
libstomp-ruby 1.1-1
newsyslog 1.8-2
open-vm-tools 2010.04.25-253928-2~sbp50+1
openafs 1.4.10+dfsg1-1~bpo50+1
openldap2.3 2.3.41-1su3
php-file 1.0.3-2
php5-ldap-sasl 5.2.0-8+etch1~bpo.1
puppet 0.24.8-2su5
qcmdb 0.1
remctl 2.14-1~sbp50+1
shibboleth-idp 1.3.4-1su2
shibboleth-sp 1.3.1.dfsg1-3+lenny2
stanford-ca-certificates 4
stanford-imp4 4.1.3-2
stanford-ingo1 1.1.1-4
stanford-ipm 2
stanford-keyring 2010.01.27
stanford-server 31
stanford-server-puppetmaster 21
stanford-server-puppetq 2
stanford-server-puppetrepo 5
stanford-shibboleth 1.3.0-1
stanford-shibboleth-tools 3
stanford-suexec 1.0.6
stanford-turba2 2.1.2-2
stanford-webauth 7
stanford-whoisd 3.1.2-2
svnlog 1.14-2
tracker 1.1-1
uriparser 0.7.5-1~sbp50+1
wallet 0.10-1~sbp50+1
webauth 3.6.1-1~bpo50+1
afs-admin-tools 1.7
afs-remctl 1.19-1
afs-reporting 1.13-1
awstats-support 1.0-1
beltane 2.3.3-2
calendar-resource-db 1.0.4
citrix-icaclient 9.0.0-1
djbdns 1.05-10
drush 2.0-6~sbp50+1
filedrawers 0.4.3-2
filedrawers-template-stanford 10
htdig 3.1.6-12.0
jquery 1.3.3-2~sbp50+1
krb5-passwd-strength 0.2-1
krb5-passwd-sync 0.2-2
libapache2-mod-antiloris 0.3-3
libars-perl 1.91-8
libcalvin-perl 1
libconfig-easy-perl 0.2-1
libdbd-oracle-perl 1.22-1
libddl-oracle-perl 1.11-2
libfindbin-libs-perl 1.36-1
libheimdal-kadm5-perl 0.08-2
libhtml-fillinform-perl 2.00-1
libnet-ldapapi-perl 3.0.3-5
libnews-gateway-perl 0.42-0
libpersistent-base-perl 0.52-1
libpersistent-dbi-perl 0.50-1
libpersistent-mysql-perl 0.50-1
libphp-phpmailer 2.3-1~sbp50+1
libphp-spyc 0.3-1
libremedy-perl 0.4
libremedy-ticket-perl 0.8
libschedule-cron-perl 0.98-1~sbp50+1
libstanford-directory-perl 3.0.17
libstanford-lsdb-perl 2.02
libstanford-packages-client-perl 0.60
libstanford-packages-server-perl 5
libstanford-remedy-perl 0.13
libstanford-workgroup-perl 13
libtemplate-perl 2.20-1~sbp50+1
libtemplate-plugin-textile-perl 1.01-1
lsdb-harvester 4
mailman 2.1.12-2~spb50+1
openfire-build-helpers 2
oracle-instantclient11 4
php-fileinfo 1.0.4-1
php-oci8 1.3.5-1
phpmyadmin 3.2.5-2~sbp50+1
remctl-acl-builder 4
remedy-api 7.1-4
rra-web-tools 7
service-alerts 1.25.05-1
shibboleth-idp 1.3.3-1su3
shibboleth-switch-wayf 1.7-2
speedy-cgi-perl 2.22-11~sbp50+1
stanford-apache2 2
stanford-dnscache 7
stanford-email-utils 20
stanford-htdig 3.2.0b6-3.3
stanford-ipm 1
stanford-itmetrics 4
stanford-kdc 11
stanford-krb5-wordlist 2
stanford-kthkrb4 1.2.2-2
stanford-logdump 14
stanford-mailtonews 9
stanford-openfireauth-module 1
stanford-outofdate-client 8
stanford-outofdate-server 8
stanford-pmx 16
stanford-remedy 6
stanford-server 61
stanford-server-afssvr 10
stanford-server-cron 3
stanford-server-devnull 24
stanford-server-directory 24
stanford-server-fai 46
stanford-server-gsbhub 9
stanford-server-guest 0.65
stanford-server-im 1.5
stanford-server-itservices 1
stanford-server-kdc 31
stanford-server-lbdns 8
stanford-server-lsdb 64
stanford-server-mailman 14
stanford-server-mysql 22
stanford-server-nagios 19
stanford-server-nessus 8
stanford-server-procurement 1
stanford-server-proxy 6
stanford-server-puppetca 4
stanford-server-puppetmaster 28
stanford-server-puppetrepo 7
stanford-server-samhain 3
stanford-server-subversion 5
stanford-server-timeshare 5
stanford-server-timeshare-ubuntu 1
stanford-server-tools 132
stanford-server-usenet 6
stanford-server-vppa 4
stanford-server-weblogin 19
stanford-server-www 37
stanford-server-www-bcdr 15
stanford-shibboleth 1.3.2-2
stanford-shibboleth-tools 4
stanford-suexec 1.0.20
stanford-tools-cgi 5
stanford-usenet 1
stanford-web-toolkit 1.0.1-2
stanford-webauth 6
stanford-weblogin 1.28
stanford-whoisd 3.1.2-2
stanford-yule 2.2.6-4
sun-java6-jce-policy 6~rc0-1
systory-client 1.22-1
tinymce 3.2.7-1~sbp50+1
tivoli-tsm 5.5.0-1
wordpress 2.8.6-1~sbp50+1
wordpress-super-cache 0.9
wordpress-theme-stanford 1
Russ Allbery ( <>
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