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Re: get a cross compiler sooner

+++ Bas Wijnen [2014-02-06 01:55 +0100]:
> On Wed, Feb 05, 2014 at 11:21:10PM +0000, Wookey wrote:
> > Do people think we should be building those on more architectures or for more architectures?
> Possibly a stupid question, but when I tried building a mips cross-gcc,
> the instructions told me to build cross-binutils first, but after I had
> done that, gcc ignored them, insisting that I installed
> binutils-multiarch (which is in the archive).

Yes the gcc build uses binutils-multiarch.

> What is the benefit of having cross-binutils when binutils-multiarch
> exists?

They don't do the same job. binutils multiarch provides objdump, nm,
objcopy, readelf, ranlib etc that understand multiple architectures. But
it doesn't provides an assembler or linker targetting  other
architectures. Nor a set of target-specific commands like arm-linux-gnueabi-strip

So far as I know whilst binutils-multiarch understands elf binaries of
other arches, it can only generate native code: you need a
cross-binutils to actually generate code for another arch.

Principal hats:  Linaro, Emdebian, Wookware, Balloonboard, ARM

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