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Re: Status of Emdebian Grip

On 3/02/2014 9:31 PM, Neil Williams wrote:
Riku commented, when Grip was first announced, that storage was not
going to remain the principle problem for Emdebian systems and the
availability and affordability of 64Gb SD cards means that this is now
the reality.

Emdebian Grip has no role in "resource limited" deployments other than
reducing the storage requirements, so if the ARM boards currently in
active usage have no practical storage limits, it is time to reconsider
the work involved in maintaining Emdebian Grip

If you have interest in retaining Grip *and are prepared to provide
some solutions to the issues above* then say so here. Otherwise,
neither testing not point releases will get updates and we then ought
to consider if unstable is worth retaining.

Unfortunately I don't see how I can help with your issues zero through five (unless you can be financially motivated?), but I thought I should let you know that systems with a need for something the size of Grip do still exist.

We (ThinLinX Inc, http://thinlinx.com) are using Grip 3.1 on a variant of the Beagleboard xM that has *no* SD card slot and only 256 MiB of NAND flash in which to fit U-Boot, kernel, main userspace and recovery userspace (yes, I know what you are going to say - this is a "design flaw" that we brought on ourselves). This means that I have to cram Debian into 211 MiB for the main userspace. It's a difficult job getting Grip to fit in this space, there is no chance that standard Debian would fit.

This device is an omni-protocol thin client, and it has to be able to support COTS add-ons such as Citrix Receiver, provide an up-to-date X server, web browser, and full-featured subsystems such as CUPS, so Crush is not a viable alternative for us.

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