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Re: gcc

On Tue, Mar 1, 2011 at 12:23 PM, Neil Williams <codehelp@debian.org> wrote:
> On Tue, 1 Mar 2011 11:32:57 -0700
> Paul Thomas <pthomas8589@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Thanks! It works now.
>> Sorry I missed that the first time.
> If the website can make this clearer so that others don't miss this,
> I'd like to know how it needs to change. It's frustrating to answer the
> same questions again but this usually means that the answer is not
> sufficiently visible. After all, the answer was there, so something is
> wrong in the way it's described.
> Why do you think you missed it and how can that be fixed?

For me I think it was I didn't have a great understanding of the
sources.list file to start with. I'm just now understanding the the
first item after the uri is the distribution and different from the
components that follow. And, I did not understand that there were the
other components to grip as listed online
(http://www.emdebian.org/grip/#components). Once I read that page it
was very clear what was going on (*Paul hides because he didn't read
that page after the first email).

Going through the install again the most helpful places were as follows:

There could be a specific install guide for armel (or non-kernel,
non-grub & cross install). I'd be willing to help out with this and/or
vet some instructions. In general terms it could tie together much of
the existing documentation like:
-Step 1: multistrap
-Step 2: chroot configuration with board specific example (i.e. fstab,
dpkg --configure -a, /dev/console, /dev/ttyS0 ...)
-Step 3: boot into new system, and more configuration including
examples for /etc/sources.list


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