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Do we need Emdebian Grip unstable?

Most of the interest in Grip would appear, to me at least, to be in
providing a stable, binary-compatible base system upon which more
specialised development and user facing code can be developed.

In that context, the frequent changes in unstable are a distraction and
the current 'stable' is possibly a better selection.

Once Squeeze does release, Debian unstable will become a bloodbath of
transitions and missing dependencies which will knock on into Emdebian
Grip as even more missing dependencies as libfoo1 becomes libfoo2 which
then needs to be added to Grip....

It would also cut the processing time for Grip by 60%.

So, *after Squeeze*, should we drop Emdebian Grip unstable and only
have testing, stable and oldstable?


Neil Williams

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