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Re: but 4.4.1-1 is to be installed.


2010/7/25, Geert Stappers <stappers@stappers.nl>:
>> I first gonna try http://www.emdebian.org/~zumbi/toolchain/amd64-unstable/
> There is cpp-4.4-mipsel-linux-gnu missing.

Of course, GCC 4.4 was broken and not yet fixed. Use GCC 4.3 in the meanwhile

There is neither gcc-4.4-mipsel-linux-gnu and friends :)

If you are interested, failure I got is:

Failure reported a while ago, and now it is done, but it seems it just
needs to be uploaded some time to the archive by GCC maintainer.

But we are still debating whether build with deprecated --with-libs
and --with-headers or migrate to upstream supported --syroot.

 Héctor Orón

"Our Sun unleashes tremendous flares expelling hot gas into the Solar
System, which one day will disconnect us."

-- Day DVB-T stop working nicely
Video flare: http://antwrp.gsfc.nasa.gov/apod/ap100510.html

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