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Adding a debug component to Grip

I didn't expect to need to do this but some python packages in Debian
*Build-Depend* on debug packages, yes, really.

(python-numpy-dbg is 15Mb, just FYI.)

So, I'm adding a debug component to the dev and doc and those wanting
to build these packages will not only need the dev component but also
the debug component:

deb http://www.emdebian.org/grip sid main dev debug
deb-src http://www.emdebian.org/grip sid main

Note: I'm not expecting to add huge numbers of debug packages to Grip -
there isn't much point because Gripping a debug package gains almost
nothing in the installed size.

em_autogrip is gaining support for identifying missing
build-dependencies of existing packages but it's a fairly basic check
and doesn't discriminate between build-dependencies that are real
binary packages and which are virtual packages using Provides: - at
least, not yet anyway.


Neil Williams

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