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Re: Cross-compiling with third party libraries

On 5/1/2009, "Martin Morissette" <mmorissette@8d.com> wrote:

>I am currently trying to cross-compile a version of OpenJDK/IcedTea for
>ARM and I am running into a few issues. Since there is no easy way of
>managing third party libraries for cross-compilation under debian (i.e.
>installing libjpeg for arm on a x86 host)

Debian has supported installing any library in Debian for any
architecture on any architecture for the purposes of cross-building
since before Sarge.

$ sudo apt-get install dpkg-cross
$ dpkg-cross -b libjpeg62-dev_6b-14_armel.deb
$ sudo dpkg -i libjpeg62-dev-armel-cross_6b-14_all.deb


Or just use apt-cross which downloads the .deb for the architecture
requested and passes that to dpkg-cross.

>Unfortunately, this fails to compile even the simplest c file. The

You need the dpkg-cross support and then use --build and --host in the
call to ./configure.

>Does anyone have an idea of what the issue might be? Is there a better,
>more common way of managing third party libs for cross-compilation?

(Currently got a few problems with email and having to use webmail so no
sig this time - should be sorted out tonight).


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