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Re: package requests for grip

Quoting "Gertjan Hofman" <gertjan_hofman@yahoo.com>:
However...my limited experience with embedded systems sees the size of flash chip grow so rapidly that its hard to get anything under 256MB at a reasonable price, which set us off a path of seeing whether we could avoid the various embedded build projects (OpenEmbedded, Buildroot etc) and use reliable, standard Debian. We can - I can build a minimal RFS in 20 MB (JFFS2).

Gertjan, this is exactly why we use Emdebian Grip in my company.
It actually *is* standard Debian, just smaller. Currently we use
Emdebian Grip *plus* a dumb scripts that remove more stuff, but
I hope, that this script will shrink with the Emdebian progress.

With respect to updating packages, this is unlikely to be a problem on real commercial devices - I can't see releasing a device to a customer that has the ability to apt-get

Same for my project. We use Emdebian to build the RFS and to have
a nice development platform (incl. apt-get), but we will probably
remove apt-get etc. from the final product. If customers ask for
it, we still can provide them with a developers RFS.

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