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Re: difference between debian tdebs and emdebian tdebs

+++ Jelle de Jong [2009-07-30 16:46 +0200]:
> Hi all,
> I am prepairing some presenation notes and I read somewhwer that debian  
> and emdebian tdebs are not the same so my question: What is the  
> difference between debian tdebs and emdebian tdebs?
> Somebody can give me a good answer to that :D

This answer may not be complete, but my understanding is that emdebian
tdebs split out each locale into its own package, and put all debs and
tdebs on the same server. Debian tdebs split packages into the package
and a tdeb containing all locales and put the tdebs into a separate
repository. dpkg then installs just the relevant locale from the large
multi-locale tdeb.

There may well be other lesser differences, but that's the overview.

Principal hats:  iEndian - Balloonboard - Toby Churchill - Emdebian

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