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Re: Trying to generate grip chroot

On Fri, 27 Mar 2009 14:24:08 -0300
Marco Túlio Gontijo e Silva <marcot@holoscopio.com> wrote:

> Hello,
> I'm trying to generate a grip chroot for i386 using emsandbox, as

You're ending up using http://www.emdebian.org/crush in the call to
debootstrap - that won't work.

> explained in http://www.emdebian.org/grip/ .  I got:
> $ mkdir -p machine/balloon/grip

What was the working directory at this point?
$ pwd

What is the contents of /etc/emsource.conf ?

> DEBOOTSTRAP_DIR=/usr/share/debootstrap/ debootstrap  --verbose --foreign
> --arch i386 unstable /home/marcot/trabalho/embbeded/pbuilder/build
> http://www.emdebian.org/crush/ /usr/share/emdebian-tools/emdebian.crossd

Something has definitely gone wrong there. I suspect that you haven't
put the machine directory in the right place, it needs to be directly
beneath the emdebian working directory set in /etc/emsource.conf which
can be adjusted using debconf via dpkg-reconfigure:

$ sudo dpkg-reconfigure libemdebian-tools-perl

Set the working directory in the questions shown.

The thing is that the working directory was really intended for
building packages and the rootfs packages just used that as a default.
It needs a bit of a review really.

It's part of the reason why multistrap is better for Grip.

> Is the site outdated?

The instructions need a few extra comments.

Also, the page needs to describe using multistrap which is probably


Neil Williams

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