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Re: How to write a bootsektor on a CF-Card if I have only a i386 and amd64?

Michelle Konzack wrote:

I have a ARM based computer (yeah, then LH7A404) and it is working fine
with a BSD derivat (gotten the 32 MB Image from the net) and also the
"Self-Made-Computer" is working if I am code it with my Hands and Feets
in ASM.   :-)

But I do not like to use BSD and try to code a couple of MBytes by Hands
and Feets and want to install Debian on it.

OK, I have some modified scripts and bootstraped a full ARM installation
on my 1 GByte "SanDisk Ultra II" plus a Cross-Compiled ARM Kernel with
all modules included.

But HOW can I write now my Bootsektor?

The concept of a "boot sector" is x86 bios-think. Forget about it entirely now that you're programming in the Real World. :)

If your bootloader can read a VFAT-formatted CF card (apparently it can), then build up a Linux kernel zImage file, put it on the card. Then load that file into RAM somewhere, and jump to the address of the first byte (make sure it's word-aligned!).

You have to set r0, r1 and r2 to some values that are described in a bootloaders-related document on the arm.linux.org.uk website. Once you've got that, and you jump to the zImage file, the kernel starts running.

Note:   The ARM-PCB has currently no USB port or any other
        PATA/SATA ports...  only the CF-Card slot and I
        have to build the rest in the next weeks/months!

Not a problem.

Bill Gatliff

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