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State of play on ARM

Autobuilder Summary:
138 packages built successfully.

19 packages failed to cross build.

2 packages are tagged for a manual upload.
(dependency issues - rather than break the archive, these packages will
not be uploaded until relevant dependencies have been fixed and

87% built OK
12% failed

A)	All these packages built previously and fail at the latest versions
in Debian Sid. Many could be upstream errors. All exist in Emdebian at
previous versions (only 1 failure is known to contain bugs in the
current versions in Emdebian and this only affects GUI installations. 2
other GUI packages contains bugs but build OK.).
B)	Some of the packages in the repository (including some of the
failures) are not used in *any* of the default emsandbox configurations.
Two need to be removed from the repository completely.
C)	Some fixes are waiting for updates in Debian, either new uploads
migrating to mirrors or pending fixes awaiting upload by me. (Probably
D)	The history of each package is now available via the Emdebian
Autobuilder Report: http://www.emdebian.org/buildd/index.php
The package name links to the history of previous build attempts for
this package. The version string links to the repository data for the
current version in Emdebian. The result of the build links to the build
E)	A comparison with Debian unstable is constantly updated:
F)	254 source packages exist in Emdebian but only 137 are currently
built by the autobuilder. The rest will be built when new versions are
uploaded to Debian (in some cases, that won't be until after Lenny). If
I get time, I'll add build logs for these packages.
G)	The repository contains a fair number of packages that we don't
currently use. This is a reflection of the problems of determining the
"path" through the dependencies when starting at the bottom (glibc|
uClibc etc.). Bear this in mind when considering new architectures and
new package sets. The process involves a lot of trial and error,
particularly as cross-building potentially alters the dependency path at
each iteration.
H)	AFAICT OE has not built these packages at these versions but I
haven't checked each one individually. (It would be useful to know if
someone has the time - even better, write a script that can do the


1. libselinux and libsepol have just been uploaded with a bug fix that
is needed for e2fsprogs and file cross-builds, amongst others. Waiting
for the ARM mirror to receive the new builds, hopefully tomorrow. 

2. gtk+2.0 fails to cross-build because the patches now try to build the
udeb which comes up against a bug in dpkg-cross. I'll be uploading the
new version (including a couple of other bug fixes) tonight. (Final
testing currently in progress.). The Gtk package also needs some work to
run /usr/lib/libgtk2.0-0/update-gdkpixbuf-loaders so that the icons can
be read in the GUI.

3. pango1.0 also needs a fix to update the pango modules. This is
usually done at build time but it means running a cross-built binary. It
is a minor task and not CPU intensive so I plan to do this in postinst.
Without this fix, no text is rendered in the GUI, only empty glyphs.

4. xfonts-base is way too large still. More work is needed here to
optimise just what is meant by the 'fixed' font for X, precisely which
font files can be removed, which might be needed outside C or English
locales etc.

5. Other packages not currently cross-building include:
(NOTE: Some of these build logs are VERY large.)

adduser - needs to be removed from the repository, it is perl
          and we implement it via busybox.
cups|cupsys - /usr/include/pthread.h:653: 
          warning: '__regparm__' attribute directive ignored

gcc-4.2 - needs to be removed from the repository, it no longer builds
	libgcc1 which was the main reason for cross-building it.
glib2.0 - more generated content:
	/bin/sh: line 2: /usr/bin/glib-genmarshal: No such file or

gnomevfs - hasn't built for ages and isn't usable anyway due to
	dependency issues. Currently preventing the use of
	gpe-filemanager. Due to be replaced by GIO in Debian.

libusb - build failure, so far resistant to usual fixes.

ncurses - build failure - uses gcc in wide char support build:

ntp - build failure - assembly error.
authkeys.c:445: error: invalid 'asm': invalid operand for code 'w'

pcre3 - build failure - apparently simply unresolved symbols resistant
	to usual fixes.

slang2 - possibly needs a patch update, tries to build -pic archives
	and then fails.

xorg-server - build failure:
	make[4]: *** No rule to make target `-L/usr/arm-linux-gnu/lib', needed
by `Xprt'.  Stop.

Of the problems above, only problems 2, 3 and 4 (gtk, pango and
xfonts-base) are "critical" as these are the only ones where the current
packages are sufficiently broken that the new version is essential
before Emdebian can make a "release" of a series of three root
filesystems for ARM. Sizes are still larger than desired - a fix for
that requires changes in glibc which I hope to investigate during

Any help on the above issues is appreciated.

$ emsource -c $package
$ cd /path/to/$package
$ emdebuild

If you have SVN access, use 'emdebuild --svn-only' to commit your
changes (even if your changes don't solve all the problems).

Without SVN access, post the result of 'svn diff ../emdebian*' to this
list (or 'svn diff ../debian*' if you have added a patch for the
upstream code to debian/patches/).

All the above is based solely on Emdebian ARM for balloon3:
Linux balloon #1 Sun May 18 22:38:11 BST 2008 armv5tel

AFAICT no other ARM platforms have been tested. :-(

I have a few fixes for the balloon3-config package that also needs an
update in Emdebian - I've had some feedback from the touchscreen driver
upstream that we might be trying to use the wrong device
(/dev/input/mice is the wrong target for the symlink, we can set
whatever device we want in /etc/X11/xorg.conf and the driver will use
that in preference to /dev/event0). As this is
device-specific, /etc/X11/xorg.conf will be put into balloon3-config
which is available via Emdebian SVN:


Neil Williams

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