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Status for non constrained embedded systems

Dear Emdebian Developers.

It seems the main focus of emdebian is for more deeply embedded systems, such as iPAQ. As such there is a lot of work to get a small rootfs by using busybox, uclibc, etc. Other things like GTK+ are also of interest to an iPAQ but not necessarily other types of embedded systems.

The embedded systems that I work on are larger 1RU communications equipment with lots or processor grunt (PowerPC), RAM, Flash, etc. Packages of interest for comms equpiment would be snmp (net-snmp), web server (apache), remote terminal (telnet, openssh), security (openssl, openswan), etc. I do not see the need for uclibc, as glibc would be a lower risk due to its wide spread use. I do see that busybox does have an advantage if managing/building from sources as it is a single package, but if using pure debian sources then the other packages that busybox replaces is also equally valid.

I was wondering what the status off emdebian is for this type of system?

Using the emdebian cross-tools (eg. on Etch/AMD64 build machine), could I generate a PowerPC rootfs (linux, glibc, net-snmp, openssh, apache, etc) from the debian sources?

Given it is more like a workstation filesystem, just cross-compiled from debian sources, would emdebian be more advanced for this type of development than for a deeply embedded system such as an iPAQ?

I want to start a development team on a new project in the next month or so, with the intent of having a stable rootfs by Q4/2007. Will emdebian be stable enough for this? At the moment it seems to moving very quickly which is great, but also risky.

Cheers, Brendan.

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