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New emdebian releases of apt-cross and emdebian-tools

emsetup previously added the emdebian toolchain repository
to /etc/apt/sources.list directly. In v0.1.4 this has changed. Instead,
the emdebian repository sources are added
to /etc/apt/sources.list.d/emdebian.sources.list - utilising the
supported method of adding new sources within apt. This was done for a
couple of reasons:

1. When experimenting with a debootstrap environment (see the pbuilder
directory in emdebian-tools SVN), it became obvious that
modifying /etc/apt/sources.list in emsetup was going to be problematic.
(It also threw some light on Richard's problem with secondary Debian
mirrors like ftp.debian.org - that URL comes from debootstrap and
causes no end of hassle for emdebian-tools because the secondary mirror
only has 2 architectures).

2. The normal place to modify conffiles is the maintainer scripts and
using sources.list.d/ allows emdebian-tools to undo the change very
easily when the package is purged. That makes the change worthwhile.

apt-cross has had to be improved to cope with looking in
sources.list.d/ and that is now working with v0.1.1.

emdebian-tools is now at v0.1.4 in Emdebian.

The side-effect of these changes is that there may be complaints from
apt on systems that retain the old and new details.
If /etc/apt/sources.list contains the Emdebian toolchain repository you
may get complaints about duplicate sources. Removing the duplicate
fixes the complaints:

W: Duplicate sources.list entry http://www.emdebian.org unstable/main
W: You may want to run apt-get update to correct these problems

Question: Is this OK as a NEWS.Debian item or should I risk a hack that
parses /etc/apt/sources.list and removes the Emdebian repository
details? The awkwardness of such a hack was one reason for the change -
I guess I should have thought of this earlier.


The releases themselves consist mainly of fixes for using
emdebian-tools and apt-cross in a chroot environment - there are
example scripts in emdebian-tools SVN if anyone wants to have a go at
an Emdebian chroot. This is to be the basis of a pbuilder-type script
for emdebian that can remove the need to install lots of duplicate
cross-built dependencies. There is a lot more to do before that is
ready, but I have successfully emdebianised and built packages in a
limited chroot jail.


Neil Williams

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