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Re: emdebian-tools 0.0.2

On Mon, 8 Jan 2007 04:15:12 +0000
Wookey <wookey@aleph1.co.uk> wrote:

> On 2007-01-07 16:56 +0000, Neil Williams wrote:
> > Current SVN (r410) holds a fairly complete set of emdebian-tools
> > scripts and I'm preparing for a 0.0.2 release and upload to Debian
> > unstable.
> >
> > i.e. it needs testing!

emlocale has been updated to fix a troublesome bug with certain
language codes. I'm also updating each script to a more consistent
approach to the dpkg-cross default architecture, in preparation for
dpkg-cross using debconf (probably do that next week, -ish.)

I'm now thinking about the much-discussed plans for SVN handling of
Emdebian patches - specifically wondering just how much automation we
need for this.

1. It is principally (solely?) for emdebian packages that are being
built *simultaneously* by two or more emdebian developers.

2. Other builds will incorporate all the changes within the .diff.gz
and building a Debian vs Emdebian package is simply a question of using
apt-get source package=1.2.3 or apt-get source package=1.2.3em1 if you
have the emdebian tools repository in your sources list or just using
dget -x with the emdebian .dsc from the emdebian repository - a
suitable link will be generated in the live package data on the
emdebian website in due course.

3. em_make currently creates patch files for debian/rules,
debian/control, debian/control.in (if any) and debian/changelog and
emdebuild is being fixed now to update these patches as well as
maintain a patch file for the $arch-linux-gnu.cache file that is needed
with some packages (libglib2.0-0) to avoid running cross-built test
programs within ./configure. These patch files are intended to be
committed to svn when necessary, as per (1). The content is also merged
into the .diff.gz

4. If other files need to be changed (e.g. sqlite), developers can
create patches in debian/patches as normal and/or create additional
emdebian*.patch files in the same location - or we could mandate that
other files are either patched only in debian/patches or only with
emdebian*.patch files. The principal requirement is that debian/rules
changes are never put into debian/patches, they have to be applied
before debian/rules starts executing.

Is it better to leave the commits of these files to the developer
rather than try to automate it? The principal problems are handling a
build within an svn working copy and/or copying the patch files to an
svn working copy and handling the svn commit itself
(passphrases/ssh-agent cache etc.). Not insurmountable -
svn-buildpackage does it.

Currently, these files are written out to the top level directory (the
same directory as the downloaded .dsc and .orig.tar.gz) and are created
against a $package.old/ directory (same location) that holds the
original versions.

Options for SVN include:

1. Developers creating symlinks to the emdebian*.patch files from a
suitable svn working copy.

2. Developers setting propset svn:ignore against the source tree
directory (can use wildcards)

3. An option in emdebuild to copy the emdebian*.patch files to a
specified location. (--output)

4. An option in emdebuild to manage the commits by implementing (3) and
assuming that appropriate ssh-agent / passphrase caching is in place
(much like svn-buildpackage --svn-tag)

5. A separate script (emsvn) that handles the copying of patch files
and the commits / updates.

> > :-)
> >
> > Does anyone fancy being co-maintainer in Debian?
> I'm happy to co-maintain, although until I've finished moving house
> I'm not going to be much help. I can do bad perl if required :-)

Great! I'll add you to debian/control.


Neil Williams

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