Wartan Hachaturow wrote:
On Nov 26, 2007 8:18 AM, Brendan Simon <Brendan@brendansimon.com> wrote:Are there any uclibc emdebian packages ???<advertisment> We've got uclibc support in Slind. </advertisment>
Any chance of getting m68k into the binary repository ? :) Otherwise I guess I have to build everything from scratch using dpkg-cross. Is there some kind of order or dependency to do this? For now I guess I just want: * kernel (can build outside of dpkg-cross - I think). * uclibc * busybox (with shell, telnet, and basic utils).The Docs say that a uclibc system is around 5MB and a glibc system around 10MB. The 5MB sounds quite large. I would like to get it way under 2MB - lets say a target of approximately 1MB in a compressed filesystem image. I'm thinking of a linux kernel with an initrd image.
Cheers, Brendan.