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A possible "emdebian-tools.postinst" patch for Ubuntu gusty?

Dear all,

I've changed get_suite() as the following:

sub get_suite()
       my ($cur_pri, $max_pri, $max_pri_suite);
       # list of suites supported by Emdebian toolchain repository.
       my @suites = qw/unstable testing stable sid etch gutsy/;
       # Improved to detect priority. Ben Hutchings <ben@decadent.org.uk>
       open POLICY, "apt-cache policy |" or die "Unable to read apt
policy: $!";
       for (<POLICY>) {
           if (/^\s*(\d+)/) {
               $cur_pri = $1;
           } elsif (defined($cur_pri)
                    && (!defined($max_pri) || $cur_pri > $max_pri)
/o=(Debian|Ubuntu),a=(\w+),l=(Debian|Ubuntu),c=main\s*$/) {
               $max_pri = $cur_pri;
               $max_pri_suite = $2;
       close POLICY;
       if (defined($max_pri_suite)) {
               $suite = $max_pri_suite;
       } else {
               die ("Unable to determine apt-cache policy for Debian main!");
       foreach my $s (@suites)
               # check the matched value is sensible.
               return $s if ($suite eq $s);
       die ("Unable to use current suite: $suite is unsupported in Emdebian!");

And I can install emdebian-tools on my Ubuntu box.
But I haven't check the other tools yet.
And I'll check if I've got extra time.
Hope this would be helpful.:)


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