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Re: cross-get script

One thing that strikes me straight away is to remove the need to
specify a mirror each time. If it's to be apt-cross it should use
/etc/apt/sources.list IMHO along with the usual version handling.

By default, maybe, but I currently need to fetch binary packages for
the host system from a private repository which has its own modified
source packages, fetch sources for cross-compilation from a different
one, the main one (though this may also need to become a local source
repo), and *also* fetch arch-independent binaries from the main repo.
I had been doing the first two by specifying deb lines to the private
binary repo and deb-src lines to the main source repo in sources.list
but I can't say I'm very happy with that as a general solution, and I
still had to download the standard arch-indep binaries from the main
repo manually with copy&paste.  I'm hoping this tool will solve both
of these nasty cases.

The case that Wookey solves (downloading binaries to feed to
dpkg-cross) is worse still, since it handles binaries that may well
come from two different binary repos, and there's no clean way to
solve that with a single sources.list

So until it keeps separate sources.list and apt and dpkg databases for
the cross-arches it handles, this seems the best for the moment; a
single sources.list does seem inadequate. You can't just switch on
arch name, since you may be dealing with several repositories of the
same arch name that are compiled for different cpus variants, which is
the way that support for cpu-specific arch subvariants seems likely to


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