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Tool repository status and plans

Note: Nothing here is intended to relate to the target repository - the
one that will hold the actual emdebian user packages like Gtk,
applications and the kernel etc. The target repository is expected to
follow the same pattern as the main Debian archive from the start.

The emdebian tool repository - containing the toolchains and a few
specialised emdebian tools - is still being updated. The plan, from
here on, is as follows:

1. deb http://www.emdebian.org/debian/ will function in a very similar
manner to the main Debian archive, ftp-master.

2. Non-standard elements (like cross-testing-amd64) are currently
disabled and will be removed in due course.

3. The repository will use the expected testing, unstable and main
elements and stable will be added when Etch is released.

4. Testing (and stable) will be "locked" in much the same way as on
ftp-master, updates will only be made to unstable, packages will
migrate from unstable to testing and from testing to stable. It is
hoped that migrations will be able to follow Debian migrations by
tracking the apt cache. Migrations from testing to stable will (as far
as possible) track Debian migrations from testing to stable: i.e.
Debian releases. In rare cases, updates to testing and stable will made
for specific, serious, problems.

5. In ftp-master, Arch:all packages are accepted from the original
upload, whichever arch that happened to be (because it doesn't matter).
Porters build only the binary-specific packages, populating the rest of
the archive. In emdebian, i386 will be the "master" arch for the
toolchain packages - any Arch:all packages will be built on i386 alone.
amd64, powerpc or any other host port should only build
architecture-specific packages. This is only because the current build
machine is i386.

6. Once the amd64 updates are in place, all repository failures or
errors will be considered fatal - no scripts or uploads should attempt
to circumvent the repository pattern or remove packages directly. This
is essential if the emdebian repository is to be reliable.

Unfortunately, an amd64 build problem may mean that users of the
current amd64 packages may have to remove and reinstall their
cross-built toolchains once the new build becomes available. The
rebuild will have the same versions but an extra package that removes a
dependency on the host toolchain. This should be sufficient to allow
apt to replace the old packages but it is as well to be prepared.

Also, a Secure-Apt key will be used and made available on the emdebian
website to ensure that future upgrades can be performed by cron-apt
without holding back other packages.


Neil Williams

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