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Re: wookey's article??

On Mon, Jan 31, 2005 at 05:30:58PM +0100, Max Hofer wrote:
> On Monday 31 January 2005 14:47, dmunicio wrote:
> > I have been managing the CML2 rules in order to include this
> > architecture in emdebsys. I have compiled the kernel but I get some
> > errors while making the filesystem with de snp.py script... So I have
> >some questions:
> Could you explainl me how you managed that? 
> i had a kernel .config file but was not able to include the kernel options 
> into the CML2 toolchain.
I included the kernel options into the CML2 toolchain manually, editing
the following .cml files :

Well, that is a tricky task and I think I didn't make it well at all
because I get some errors in snp.py execution. 
> i could not find the script ./cml1to2 (described in the docs) in the cvs 
> repository.
Have you seen that marvellous configtrans.py script? I suppose
somebody changed the name!
Nevertheless I haven't used that script because the arch that I need to
use is not supported by that rules... So I had to edit the .cml files

> > WHERE IS THE WOOKEY'S ARTICLE that explains how emdebsys works???
> > It is not clear in the web.. Should I seek in the cvs?? I couldn't find
> > anything!!
> it toke me a couple hours to find the right article (i hope it is the one 
> people were referring to). i uptaded the wiki a fews days ago.
> http://www.aleph1.co.uk/talks/emdebsys/emdebsys.pdf
> > Who made that rules? I would like to know more about that...
> no clue. as far as i can tell you CML2 was created for kernel development but 
> died because the kernel gurus didn't accept it. now it is used in some 
> projects where it is handy to use.
> no clue if CML2 is still under development.
So, what should I use? I would like to do what kernel gurus do! ;)
> -- 
> Max Hofer
> APUS Software G.m.b.H.
> A-8074 Raaba, Bahnhofstraße 1/1
> T| +43 316 401629 11
> F| +43 316 401629 9
> W| www.apus.co.at
> E| max.hofer@apus.co.at

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