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Re: Is this list alive?

A wiki would almost certainly be useful. Feel free to install one. I've
recentlyuseddocuwiki which is quite nice, but whicheverwiki takes your fancy
is fine by me.

I have been using TWiki for our projects. This is what i will install if there are no objections.

We currently have CVS at sourceforge. I'm happy to leave it there for now but as you say having everything in one place does make more sense, so you
could migrate stuff over to the newserver. I think we can leave the old
toolchain CVS (gcc and binutils) but the website, emdebsys and new tools
modules should be copied over.

I'd like avoid Bitkeeper due to non-freeness. You might want to try one of the newer and more versatile management systems,but I don't know how to use any of them, or have any real desire to find out just yet. Maybe upgrading
to subversion would be good as I understand it functions as a 'farily
compatible, but less shit' version of CVS, which sounds good to me.

Installed subversion and ViewCVS on the server today. You can see the ViewCVS documentation at http://www.emdebian.org/viewcvs/

The repository is empty and it isn't hooked into the website but it is a start.

The other thing that would be useful is more explicit info for developers on where to go for accounts and sysadmin stuff on the website, and maybe a list of current developers?. Feel free to add a bit more info there, although it probably just says needs to say 'ask Allen or Wookey if you need an account,
supplying this info, <list>'

Developers, send your contact information....

-- Allen

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