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RE: Hi, and embedded routers

Hello Karthik,

Quoting karthik bala guru <kbalaguru0@yahoo.com>:

> hi,
> Is normal busybox not enough ? I have used
> the busybox and it is already well equipped and well 
> termed as the 'Embedded Swiss Army Knife'.
> But,what is unique in sarge busybox-static ?
> and Why should you go in for it ?
> kindly let me know the difference.

Well normal busybox is good enough. But you have to compile it yourself. The
Sarge verion and the emdebian binary package don't need to be compiled anymore
and are known to work. This saves you a lot of hassle if you are not used to it.
The differences between the sarge and Emdebian version are the following:

-source package is designed to be cross-compilable (although natively also works)
-no documentation include in the Emdebian package making it smaller
-Emdebian wrappers make it possible to install the packages in a different dir
on your system, without mixing with your development host.

Those are the main things,


| Philippe De Swert -GNU/linux - uClinux freak-     
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| Emdebian developer: http://www.emdebian.org 
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