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Bug#1041293: elpa-boxquote: New upstream release 2.3

Hey Manphiz,

Thanks for the patch!

However, looking at https://salsa.debian.org/emacsen-team/boxquote-el
I see we have an 'upstream' branch in the repo, for tracking latest
upstream commits.  But it appears that for your MR you essentially
cherry-picked the commits from the upstream repo, resulting in
different commit hashes.

But we'd like to preserve the original upstream commits, including
in the 'master' branch where we have the 'debian' packaging directory.
So, you'd want to add to your local clone of the boxquote-el repo a
new remote pointing to the upstream repo residing on GitHub, fetch the
remote, pull from its 'main' branch into our 'upstream', then merge
the 'v2.3' tag (now the tip of 'upstream') into our 'master' branch:

cd boxquote-el
git checkout upstream
git remote add upstreamvcs https://github.com/davep/boxquote.el.git
git fetch upstreamvcs
git pull upstreamvcs main
git checkout master
git merge v2.3
# followed by the rest of your changes (to the debian/ dir)

You may be able to use tooling to automate this (e.g. using 'gbp' from
the 'git-buildpackage' package), or do it manually as shown above.

It's a bit inconvenient since you're not [yet] a member of the Emacsen
team or the repository itself, so you won't be able to do this in the
emacsen-team/boxquote-el repo itself just yet.  Please do this in your
own fork - push your updated 'master' and 'upstream' branches and the
new 'v2.3' tag - and let me know.  I'll then pull your changes from
your fork into emacsen-team/boxquote-el.

Lastly, once ready, would you like to try uploading your changes to
mentors.debian.net and open an RFS (Request for Sponsorship) bug for
this?  It might be a useful exercise for your future contributions
as well. :-)  (ref: https://mentors.debian.net/sponsors/rfs-howto/)

Please let me know if anything's unclear or if you have any questions
or comments.


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