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Bug#1050685: elpa-debian-el: Error when using debian-bug on certain binary package: (wrong-type-argument processp nil)

Manphiz <manphiz@gmail.com> writes:

> Another finding is that in 28.x, if the term buffer have any further
> questions to ask, debian-bug seems to consider the process stuck and
> would just ignore everything and proceed.  In 29.x however, the term
> buffer seems to be able to accept user input and can process the output
> accordingly - even if the script requires sudo and prompt for password,
> and debian-bug can properly include the output in the generated email
> for bug report.  So with the merge request[4] it would instead skip all
> potential additional information unfortunately.

Actually 28.x also works for user inputs if running term-exec without my
problematic hooks so yeah!

> As we do want to handle process termination better, while trying to keep
> process from failing, I think temporarily disable term-exec-hook when
> processing the output and restore after the report is generated should
> probably work in most cases.  Just wondering whether this is acceptable
> in the process of debian-bug?

Forgot to mention that this is implemented as the 2nd commit in the
MR[4] and tested on bookworm and trixie to be working.

> [4] https://salsa.debian.org/emacsen-team/debian-el/-/merge_requests/11


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