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Bug#1051247: muse-el: Choose living upstream for muse-el and merge updates

Hi manphiz,

Manphiz <manphiz@gmail.com> writes:

> Xiyue Deng <manphiz@gmail.com> writes:
> Hi sten,
> When trying to pick a new upstream to rebase, I found that pulling
> either upstream repo will result in an incompatible git history versus
> the current debian/master branch on salsa.

This is expected, but please merge from upstream.

> I wonder how I should handle this?

The commit of the upstream source you import should be tagged.  If
upstream hasn't made a tagged release, then you'll need to:

  1. With a the upstream of your choice set in the watch file, "gbp
  import-orig --uscan" will do the right thing in this repository.  This
  is one reason why a functioning watch file that defines the correct
  upstream is useful.  It should also save time to do this once, and
  then switch to a tag merging workflow for the next upstream import.


  I. Ask upstream to tag a stable release (probably NA to GNU ELPA's
  II. Merge that tag to either the upstream branch, or directly to the
  Debian packaging branch.  See the merge note at §i.
  III. Do fixup work to make "git diff tag -- !(debian)" clean.

  i. Merge new upstream commit to the upstream branch (which will also
  merge its history), because tags of detached HEADS behave unreliably
  through remotes; ie the tag needs to be of a commit on a branch.  See
  git merge man page about what to about unrelated histories.
  ii. Create an annotated tag in the format you defined in debian/watch
  (note substitutions for special characters).  I've always done this
  manually with a "Tag upstream snapshot for Debian use" annotation, but
  NOTE: There is probably a better way to create these tags by now.
  iii. Merge your annotated tag to the Debian packaging branch.
  iv. Do fixup work to make "git diff tag -- !(debian)" clean.

In every case, you'll need to insure that the upstream tag is pushed to

> Is it OK to force push to master?



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