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Re: Suggestion to gzip the Elisp source files

Sven Joachim <sven_joachim@web.de> writes:

> In GNU Emacs 22, Auto Compression mode is enabled by
> default. Therefore and because of the growing number of packages
> coming with Emacs, it makes sense to compress the Elisp source in the
> emacs<version>-el package, saving probably some 25-30 Megabytes of
> disk space.

Yep, it's been on my emacs-snapshot todo list since the beginning, I was
waiting for things to settle down before implementing it.  The XEmacs
packages in Debian have done that for ages.

I did some testing a few weeks ago, the installed size of the package
goes from 40.5 MB down to 12.6 MB, which is pretty good.  The negative
side is that it makes compression in the .deb much less efficient so its
size goes from 9.4 MB to 11 MB... I think it's a reasonable tradeoff.

The other negative effect is that compressing 972 files takes a short
while.  On archs where the build lasts more than 6 hours, it might add a
few more minutes...

I guess now is as good a time as any to implement this since things are
pretty stable, so I'll do it for the next snapshot.


 : :' :        Romain Francoise <rfrancoise@debian.org>
 `. `'         http://people.debian.org/~rfrancoise/

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