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Re: emacs.app_9.0pre2-1_i386.changes REJECTED

On Dec 9, 2005, at 10:43 AM, Henrik Enberg wrote:

Don't know whether I should put :-) or :-( here...

I would rather like useful comments than shit like that.

Here's a useful comment.  Are you going to release an experimental
branch that's not considered stable enough to be in the Emacs trunk
as a stable program?

Well, the notion of "stable" is relative. We were looking by analogy to the "emacs-snapshot' Debian package -- it's not based on a release of GNU Emacs, but it's still a package. Among unreleased code, the unicode-2 branch of emacs is considered less stable than CVS head, I suppose, but it's open to debate where the line for Debian should be drawn. Based on my own daily use of unicode-2, it's at least as stable as Head was, say, a year or so ago (though maybe the Debian snapshot package started more recently than that?), but I'm not sure this is consistent with others' experience. And I know some people have said that unicode-2 is a little slower than head..

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