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dpkg-reconfigure emacs21 scary

I'll just run
# dpkg-reconfigure emacs21
to see what questions it might ask me and woah.........

  emacs-remove emacs21
  remove/records-gnuemacs: Handling removal of emacsen flavor emacs21
  records: purging...

Hey wait a second, can't you give some reassuring message here so we
don't hit C-c as we don't have any backup .deb here and it sure looks
like you thought we said to apt-get --purge or something.

What about currently running emacses -- one would wonder how they
might be affected to. Maybe warn.

BTW, later we see
Error while loading 52select-xface

Maybe dpkg-reconfigure could ask us if we really want to 'reinstall'
everything or are just looking to see what it would ask us.

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