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Re: Customizing wanderlust reply header

On November 20, 2003 at 12:35AM +0800,
csj@myrealbox.com wrote:

> Is the separated date and time a mew feature?

No.  The my-simplify-822date function (defined in my ~/.emacs)
provides that feature.

(my-simplify-822date "Thu, 20 Nov 2003 01:14:24 +0900 (JST)" 'at-time)
"November 20, 2003 at 1:14AM +0900"

(my-simplify-822date "Thu, 20 Nov 2003 01:14:24 +0900 (JST)" 'at-time 'iso-ymd)
"2003-11-20 at 1:14AM +0900"

(my-simplify-822date "Thu, 20 Nov 2003 01:14:24 +0900 (JST)")
"November 20, 2003"

> I was looking for ("On DATE at TIME, SOMEONE wrote)

See the following trick for Wanderlust with mu-cite.

(add-hook 'mail-citation-hook (function mu-cite-original))
(setq message-cite-function (function mu-cite-original))
;;;(add-hook 'mew-cite-hook 'mu-cite-original) ;; for Mew
(setq mu-cite-cited-prefix-regexp "^\x00\xff\x00$") ;; insert prefix at all
(setq mu-cite-prefix-format '("> "))
(setq mu-cite-top-format '(my-cite-label))
(add-hook 'mu-cite-instantiation-hook 'my-mu-cite-set-methods)
(defun my-mu-cite-set-methods ()
  (setq mu-cite-methods-alist
	 (cons 'my-cite-label
		(lambda ()
		   (mu-cite-get-field-value "From")
		   (mu-cite-get-field-value "Date")
		   (mu-cite-get-field-value "Subject")
		   (mu-cite-get-value 'ml-name)
		   (mu-cite-get-value 'ml-count)))))
(defun my-get-cite-label (from dt subj
			       &optional ml-nm ml-cnt ml-cnt2 ml-cnt3)
  (let ((ml-prefix "[") (ml-sep ":") (ml-suffix "]")
    (if (= (length from) 0)
	(setq from "???"))
    (setq from-wrote (concat (my-simplify-822from from) " wrote:\n\n"))
    (if (not (string-match
	      "^\\([[(]\\)\\([a-zA-Z0-9._-]+\\)\\([ :,]\\)\\([0-9]+\\)\\([])]\\)" subj))
      (setq ml-prefix (my-match-string 1 subj))
      (setq ml-nm (my-match-string 2 subj))
      (setq ml-sep (my-match-string 3 subj))
      (setq ml-cnt (my-match-string 4 subj))
      (setq ml-suffix (my-match-string 5 subj)))
    (if (= (length ml-cnt) 0)
	(setq ml-cnt ml-cnt2))
    (if (= (length ml-cnt) 0)
	(setq ml-cnt ml-cnt3))
    (if (= (length dt) 0)
      (if (or (= (length ml-nm) 0) (= (length ml-cnt) 0))
	  (concat "On " (my-simplify-822date dt 'at-time (not 'iso-ymd)) ",\n" from-wrote)
	(concat "On " (my-simplify-822date dt nil (not 'iso-ymd))
		", " ml-prefix ml-nm ml-sep ml-cnt ml-suffix
		 ",\n" from-wrote)))))
(setq my-time-mon-alist
      '(("Jan" 1 "January" "Jan.") ("Feb" 2 "February" "Feb.")
	("Mar" 3 "March" "Mar.") ("Apr" 4 "April" "Apr.")
	("May" 5 "May" "May") ("Jun" 6 "June" "June")
	("Jul" 7 "July" "July") ("Aug" 8 "August" "Aug.")
	("Sep" 9 "September" "Sep.") ("Oct" 10 "October" "Oct.")
	("Nov" 11 "November" "Nov.") ("Dec" 12 "December" "Dec.")))
(defun my-time-mon-to-int (str)
  (or (nth 1 (assoc (capitalize str) my-time-mon-alist)) 0))
(defun my-time-mon-to-month (str)
  (or (nth 2 (assoc (capitalize str) my-time-mon-alist)) str))
(defun my-time-mon-to-mon4 (str)
  (or (nth 3 (assoc (capitalize str) my-time-mon-alist)) str))
(defun my-simplify-822date (str &optional at-time iso-ymd)
  "Simplify `Date' in RFC 822 message.
Note: the simplified date is not conformed to RFC 822."
  (if (not (string-match "\\([0-9]+\\)[ \t]+\\([a-zA-Z]+\\)[ \t]+\\([0-9]+\\)[ \t]+\\([0-9]+\\):\\([0-9]+\\)\\(:\\([0-9]+\\)\\)?\\([ \t]+\\([-+0-9a-zA-Z]+\\)\\)?" str))
    (let (day mon year month ymd hour min ampm tmzn)
      (setq day (string-to-int (my-match-string 1 str)))
      (setq mon (my-match-string 2 str))
      (setq year (string-to-int (my-match-string 3 str)))
      (if (< year 50)
	  (setq year (+ year 2000))
	(if (< year 1000)
	    (setq year (+ year 1900))))
      (if iso-ymd
	  (setq ymd (format "%04d-%02d-%02d" year (my-time-mon-to-int mon) day))
	(setq ymd (concat (my-time-mon-to-month mon) " "
			  (int-to-string day) ", "
			  (int-to-string year))))
      (if (not at-time)
	(setq hour (string-to-int (my-match-string 4 str)))
	(setq min (my-match-string 5 str))
	(if (match-beginning 9)
	    (setq tmzn (concat " " (my-match-string 9 str))))
	(if (< hour 12)
	    (setq ampm "AM")
	  (setq ampm "PM")
	  (setq hour (- hour 12)))
	(if (= hour 0)
	    (setq hour 12))
	(concat ymd " at " (int-to-string hour) ":" min ampm tmzn)))))
(defun my-simplify-822from (str)
  "Simplify `From' in RFC 822 message."
  (let (name addr)
    (if (string-match "\\([^@<> \n\t]+@[^@<> \n\t]+\\)" str)
	(setq addr (my-trim-spc (my-match-string 1 str) 'simplify)))
    (if (string-match "\\(.*\\)<[^@<> \n\t]+@[^@<> \n\t]+>" str)
	  (setq name (my-match-string 1 str))
	  ;; remove non-ascii comment
	  (if (string-match "([^)]*[^\000-\177][^)]*)" name)
	      (setq name (replace-match "" nil t name)))
	  (setq name (my-trim-spc name 'simplify))))
    (if (and (or (= (length name) 0) (string-match "[^\000-\177]" name))
	      "<?[^@<> \n\t]+@[^@<> \n\t]+>?[ \n\t]*(\\([^)]+\\))" str))
	(setq name (my-trim-spc (my-match-string 1 str) 'simplify)))
    (if (and (or (= (length name) 0) (string-match "[^\000-\177]" name))
	      "(\\([^)]+\\))[ \n\t]*<[^@<> \n\t]+@[^@<> \n\t]+>" str))
	(setq name (my-trim-spc (my-match-string 1 str) 'simplify)))
    (if (or (= (length name) 0) (string-match "[^\000-\177]" name))
      (my-trim-spc (concat name " <" addr ">") 'simplify))))
(defun my-trim-spc (str &optional simplify)
  "Trimming white spaces."
  (if (string-match "^[ \n\t]+" str)
      (setq str (replace-match "" nil t str)))
  (if (string-match "[ \n\t]+$" str)
      (setq str (replace-match "" nil t str)))
  (if (not simplify)
    (while (string-match "[\n\t]+" str)
      (setq str (replace-match " " nil t str)))
    (while (string-match "  +" str)
      (setq str (replace-match " " nil t str))))
(if (fboundp 'match-string-no-properties)
    (defalias 'my-match-string 'match-string-no-properties)
  (defalias 'my-match-string 'match-string))

Tatsuya Kinoshita

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