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Re: gnuclient and emacs21?

[not copied to BTS]

Rodrigo> I start "M-x gnuserv-start", and it seems to work ("Loading
Rodrigo> gnuserv-compat...done" on the minibuffer). But when I try
Rodrigo> "gnuclient file" on a different tty (either different screen
Rodrigo> window ou another "real" tty), it exits immediately and I get
Rodrigo> the following on the emacs window:

Eric> GNU Emacs cannot create frames on other ttys or displays.  If
Eric> you run GNU Emacs on a certain X display and run gnuclient on
Eric> those same displays, it works just fine.

But, as was explained earlier in this thread, this is a step backward
from emacsclient, which works fine across ttys or displays - even if
no new frame is created for the client.

Eric> I switched to XEmacs months ago because it is developed in the
Eric> open.  I was tired of using buggy FSF warez.  Since switching, i
Eric> have found that XEmacs is actually far superior.  GNU Emacs is
Eric> years behind.  Plus, if i submit a patch, no one will make me
Eric> sign copyright assignment papers.  I'm not interested in a flame
Eric> war, i'm just letting people know that i don't exactly care
Eric> about the gnuserv package anymore.

Eric> As you can see from my recent upload and my response to this bug
Eric> report, i'll continue to maintain it.  But if anyone else wants
Eric> to adopt it, be my guest.

I'd adopt it, but 1/ I am not an official developer (need a sponsor)
2/ my first act would be to start a forked epoch based on the version
in stable.

Eric> BTW, i am not on debian-emacsen; the submitter pointed me to
Eric> this thread.

I'll say that is rather strange.

Ian Zimmerman, Oakland, California, U.S.A.
Hypocrisy, arrogance and manipulation: sure-fire ways to earn hatred.
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