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lvfs-website: Add a nudge to people using old fwupd versions

Hi fwupd maintainer,

I just wanted to make sure you are aware of https://gitlab.com/fwupd/lvfs-website/-/merge_requests/1395, which cuts off fwupd versions older than 0.8.0 and makes older versions than 1.2.5 get an error randomly. The problem seems to be that these older versions do not follow redirects and so are served from some expensive place instead of CDNs.

> Unsupported fwupd versions download ~6% of all firmware updates but account for over 40% of the daily bandwidth as they do not process the CDN redirect.

Some more information is here: https://fosstodon.org/@hughsie@mastodon.social/109743643547934521

(I've otherwise no idea about this, but after reading the mastodon thread and searching the bugs and list, I didn't find anything which matched the above issue; I'm not subscribed, feel free to also drop my in CCs)


Jan Katins
mail: jasc@gmx.net

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