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Bug#1052066: awk: illegal field $(ID=debian), name "0" while upgrading to 1.9.4-2

Looks like the culpit is in postinst:

    DEBIAN/postinst:EFIDIR=$(awk '/^ID=/ {gsub(/"/,""); split($$0,a,"="); print tolower(a[2])}' /etc/os-release)

running the awk command gives the same output:

    $ awk '/^ID=/ {gsub(/"/,""); split($$0,a,"="); print tolower(a[2])}' /etc/os-release
    awk: illegal field $(ID=debian), name "0"
     input record number 4, file /etc/os-release
     source line number 1

Looks like it has been copied from a Makefile, the $ is doubled, it should be:

    EFIDIR=$(awk '/^ID=/ {gsub(/"/,""); split($0,a,"="); print tolower(a[2])}' /etc/os-release)

which gives:

    $ echo $EFIDIR 

[Julien Palard](https://mdk.fr)

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