Bug#911505: fwupd: Change package description to be more open ended
Package: fwupd
Version: 1.1.3-2
According to the Debian package description, only UEFI capsule format
and the ColorHug is supported:
Description: Firmware update daemon
fwupd is a daemon to allow session software to update device
firmware. You can either use a GUI software manager like GNOME
Software to view and apply updates, the command-line tool or the
system D-Bus interface directly. Currently, firmware updates using
the UEFI capsule format and for the ColorHug are supported. More
formats may be supported in the future. See
<https://github.com/hughsie/fwupd> for details
This made me believe firmware updated for machines where flashrom is
working could not be handled by fwupd, but according to
<URL: https://github.com/hughsie/fwupd/issues/805 > this is not the case.
It is possible to also add BIOS firmware for non-UEFI machines too.
Perhaps the phrases "Currently, firmware updates using the UEFI capsule
format and for the ColorHug are supported. More formats may be supported
in the future." should be changed to reflect that more firware options
Happy hacking
Petter Reinholdtsen
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