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Re: Who is using Debian-Edu

Thank you for your reply, Mike,

I am just one person, a retired IT person who is curious about Debian-Edu.

I have no contacts with "people from the Australian government, Australian school decision makers, etc".

Thanks for your offer of "a private session on Linux at schools or Linux in public sector in a video call session", but sadly I cannot provide you with a group of people who are interested in Debian-Edu. I do know a group of approximately 10 retired people like me who meet once a fortnight to discuss personally using Linux, nothing to do with Education.

I hope that I might gain more understanding of Debian Edu by being subscribed to "debian-edu@lists.debian.org".

If you (or others) know of any web sites that actively promote Debian Edu in 2024 (other than Debian's own sites), please email me the links. I could follow these sites too.

I have been unable to locate the site www.skolelinux.org or www.skolelinux.de ?  Has the site changed names?

My web browser (Firefox) said the www.skolelinux.no site is unsecure, maybe because the certificate's domain name differed from the site's domain name? I don't think this site is being maintained.


Sun, 21 Jul 2024 07:43:19 GMT



On Wednesday, 15-05-2024 at 15:49 Mike Gabriel wrote:
Hi George, hi all,

On  Di 14 Mai 2024 23:32:17 CEST, Holger Levsen wrote:

>> I live in Australia. Here in Australia I think there are a few people
>> who are willing to use Linux as their primary OS, mostly a few retired
>> people, and a few IT professionals. When it comes to IT professionals
>> even those who work with Linux servers tend to use Windows on their
>> laptops (or company desktops). I think this is sad, but it is what I
>> see happening.
> i'm cc:ing sunweaver@debian.org but I really suggest you mail  
> debian-edu@lists.debian.org, because
> "sunweaver" can "only" tell you how Debian Edu is used in norther Germany and
> elsewhere, but also, he is way too busy :( so he will probably not reply.

I am quite busy indeed. With my company Fre(i)e Software GmbH we are  
consulting for companies and governmental entities in Germany and the  
Netherlands at the moment. We work a lot on Debian-centric development  
projects, but also do work based on openSUSE, Ubuntu, etc.

We also support / sponsor Debian Edu work (e.g. with staff power  
during q4/2023). Personally, I am also involved in Debian Edu  
development and in my freelancer business we support 3-4 schools (one  
NEW) that use (want to use) Debian Edu.

We are not doing heavy marketing for FLOSS, we let school teachers /  
decision makers find us and if they want a fully FLOSS stack, we are  

>> As for schools, here in Australia many schools use either Windows or
>> move to Google Chrome.  Sadly I have never heard of an Australia
>> school using Linux.
>> I look forward to seeing a greater adoption of Linux by the general
>> community. But will this ever be a reality?
> 20y ago i was in a talk about the ghandi motto/mantra:
> first they ignore you
> then they laugh at you
> then they fight you
> then you win
> 20y ago, linux in india was already on the stage between fight and  
> win. i'm sure
> australia will follow soon! ;)

I share Holgers foresight. The FLOSS train has started rolling in  
Europe, also in India, possibly elsewhere, too. At some point it will  
have an intrinsic impact, I believe that even large IT tech businesses  
will not be able to stop it or compete with it, their only chance will  
be to hop on.

At the moment, I am consulting for a governmental state  
(Schleswig-Holstein, Northern Germany) where we prepare the migration  
of +-/ 26.000 Windows notebooks to Linux notebooks.

>> If you have time, I would appreciate chatting with your (or anyone
>> else who is involved in Debian-Edu), about Linux adoption, etc. While
>> I know a few people who use Linux either personally or professionally,
>> I don't know anyone who is actually interested in promoting or
>> improving Linux.

I'd be happy to give a private session on Linux at schools or Linux in  
public sector in a video call session. To increase the impact, find me  
a group of people (not just you) who are interested in the topic,  
ideally with people from the Australian government, Australian school  
decision makers, etc. With an audience of 10-20 people, I am happy to  
do a non-profit 1.5h workshop on FLOSS in education or FLOSS @  

Thanks for getting in touch!


mike gabriel aka sunweaver (Debian Developer)
mobile: +49 (1520) 1976 148
landline: +49 (4351) 486 14 27

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mail: sunweaver@debian.org, http://sunweavers.net

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