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Re: Skolelinux logo history

[Trond Kjetil Bremnes]
> I'm currently doing some research into Skolelinux and its inception,

Skolelinux inception happend when NUUG came up with the concept Teach
the teacher, and its labour happened at a party held by Håkon Wium Lie
after the demonstration against Microsoft being allowed to 'define what
Internet is', and its birth was a few weeks after the party when Knut
Yrvin called for a meeting to start the Skolelinux project.  Around the
same time Raphael Hertzog started the Debian Edu metapackage initiative,
and after a while the two initiatives merged.  The rest is, as they say,
history. :)

> and I'm in that connection curious about the old (Debian-less)
> Skolelinux logo.
> Does anyone know anything about the history of this logo? Who made it,
> and when?

Based on old email, I believe it was created by Vidar Tyldum in 2001 or
2002 using Photoshop, and recreated by Herman Robak using Gimp soon
after the first edition showed up.

> Also, and perhaps more importantly, does anyone know the license for 
> distributing this logo, and if it is OK to publish it on Wikimedia 
> Commons for use in Wikipedia, Wikidata etc.?

My quick email search did not show anything about license.  I believe it
can be considered licensed the same way as the mascot, which I believe
was discussed on this mailing list a while back.  I was not able to find
the mail thread, but perhaps someone else remember the details.

Happy hacking
Petter Reinholdtsen

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