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Bug#1051835: rsyslog should have a rate-limit for logging to the main server

Package: debian-edu-config
Version: 2.12.36

On the main server logs from the client and ltsp networks could be logged to different
files. These files could then be rotated on fixed sizes¹ in order to prevent the
/var/log-Partition from filling up. The UDP and TCP input modules both only
allow a global rate limit which is not helpful here and I haven't seen a way to
apply per-host rate limits in the rsyslog docs. However, since rsyslog
v8.2012.0 the forwarding output module supports rate limits² and since we trust
the client, a per-host limit can be implemented by setting RateLimit.Interval
and RateLimit.Burst there. This also allows for stricter rate limits compared to what
is kept locally (either via journald or rsyslog configuration).

¹ https://www.rsyslog.com/doc/master/tutorials/log_rotation_fix_size.html
² https://github.com/rsyslog/rsyslog/pull/4440

Guido Berhoerster

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