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Bug#1003728: debian-edu-config: nullmailer pollutes syslog on roaming workstations

On Fri, 14 Jan 2022 12:43:18 +0000 Mike Gabriel <mike.gabriel@das-netzwerkteam.de> wrote:
> On Debian Edu Roaming Workstations, the nullmailer pollutes  
> /var/log/mail.info* and /var/log/mail.warn* and lets it rise to  
> several GB if notebooks stay of campus often / for long periods.
> I'd suggest disabling nullmailer syslog writings entirely.
> Opinions on this? Other suggestions?

I checked this on bookworm and found that a manual installation
of a (roaming) workstation does not install nullmailer but exim4.

nullmailer only seems to be installed when using FAI (see
nullmailer's behavior is indeed problematic, if nullmailer e.g. cannot
connect to the smarthost it will still try to deliver each queued
message without any delays in between which produces 5 lines of log
output each.

(Roaming) workstations which are manually installed seem to use
exim4 with the smarthost configuration from debian-edu-config
(exim-ldap-client-v4.conf) which seems more intelligent and has
configurable backoff when retrying delivery whereas nullmailer can
only be configured with a fixed minimum time between queue runs and
will trigger a queue run when a new message is queued.
Interestingly exim4 is configured to log to its own local logfile
and not syslog.

Now there are different ways to address this:

- as suggested above the quick fix would be to discard messages from
  nullmailer in rsyslog on tjener, I think we should not discard them on
  the client so they still go into the local journal which should have
  size limits (see draft MR:
- we could also switch the FAI installations to the exim4 smarthost
  configuration like manual installs, then the question is whether exim4
  should log to syslog or not
- we could configure the client rsyslog not to forward the mail facility
  but to log only locally or discard (messages would still be in the local
- we could address this problem more generally by configuring a
  rate-limit, I think this would only be practical on the client,
  rsyslog supports this

So the questions are:

Do we want to address excessive logging in general?
Why the inconsistency between FAI and non-FAI installations?
Should mail logging be local-only?

Guido Berhoerster

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