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Bug#1041613: LDAP user authentication of students/teachers does not work

After examining this further, I've found that the Kerberos add_principal
operation in /usr/share/debian-edu-config/tools/gosa-create actually
fails. The script doesn't notice that since kadmin.local always returns
an exit staus of 0:

+ kadmin.local -q 'add_principal -policy users -randkey -x "dn=uid=afoo,ou=people,ou=Students,dc=skole,dc=skolelinux,dc=no" afoo'
Authenticating as principal server-admin/admin@INTERN with password.
add_principal: User modification failed: Type or value exists while creating "afoo@INTERN".

In order to reproduce this more easily see the attached script, it is
invoked as follows:

debian-edu-add-user.sh 1010 afoo Alice Foo

in order to create an example user afoo with the uid/gid 1010.
Guido Berhoerster

Attachment: debian-edu-add-user.sh
Description: application/shellscript

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