Re: upgrade via reinstall
[Simon Oosthoek]
> I'm planning to upgrade our debian-edu 8.11 install to the latest
> version soon. However I think it will come down to a re-install from
> scratch, but I'd like to keep the information we put in Gosa about
> devices (printers) and such. Is an export and import possible between
> these versions, or do I need to do something special?
If I am not mistaken, all the information put into GOsa is stored in
LDAP, where you can get access to it / export it in LDIF format using
ldapsearch (via the network) and slapcat (locally on the main server).
The latter will give you direct access to the LDAP database content.
The parts you want to import can then be imported using slapadd or for
example ldapvi.
The only parts I believe will not migrate like this is the Kerberos
password parts, which are encrypted using a installation specific key.
For those, you will need to use more tools and procedures.
Happy hacking
Petter Reinholdtsen
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