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Re: login with user created during installation

[Omar Lazzari]
> right! but the reason was another add_principal: Password may not
> match principal name while creating "admindebianedu@INTERN" it was a
> installation-test so i used username as password. it's forbidden

Aha.  Did not know that. :)

The fact that the user-setup in the installer accept passwords that are
rejected later when setting up Kerberos is a usability nightmare,
causing users to give up.

Is there anyone working on improving the situation?

As far as I can tell from
<URL: https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=364526 >,
request a change in user-setup for modules to check the password has
been unsolved for 13 years.  Time to fix it?

Happy hacking
Petter Reinholdtsen

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