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Bug#893120: debian-edu-install: uninstallable on ahrd disk thrice the size mentioned in manual

On Fri, Mar 16, 2018 at 05:19:01PM +0100, Dominik George wrote:
> I spent two days trying to install Debian Edu (combined server) in a
> virtual machine. I started with 100 GiB hard disk, then tried 150 GiB,
> and finally 220 GiB. The LTSP chroot installation always fails with no
> space left in /opt/var/cache/apt.
> Installing Debain Edu is not possible.

I was unable to reproduce it (recommended 'desktop=lxde' setting, see manual).

I figure you used 'desktop=kde' (default kernel command line entry, common for
all profiles); in this single case LTSP installation fails reproducibly.

In the past I've tested also this case taking into account that reading a
manual isn't fun for most people and thus will simply hit return; back then
the KDE variant used to work as well, enough space was left.

Now, the netinstall ISO image being outdated and a lot of updated packages
getting installed after point release 9.4, /var/cache/apt/archives is filled
up and about 100 MiB space is missing.

(As LTSP mounts the server Apt cache and arch=i386 is the LTSP default, a whole
bunch of unneeded packages plus the updated ones show up.)

That said, a simple workaround is (if someone really wants KDE for LTSP 

After the Debian installer reported the LTSP menu item as failed:

(1) Activate a Debian installer shell.
(2) Run 'rm target/opt/ltsp -rf'
(3) Run 'rm target/var/cache/apt/archive/*_amd64.deb'
(4) Go back to the installer gui.
(5) Choose the LTSP menu item again.

One could use an even simpler solution:
Once the LTSP changeroot installation has started, do steps (1) and (3); the
installation will run without issues.

As far as Buster is concerned, the cache issue won't show up as the LTSP chroot
arch will be the same as the server one.


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